2017 was a good year in the war against fatal diseases – Irish Examiner

2017 was a good year in the war against fatal diseases – Irish Examiner
Irish Examiner2017 was a good year in the war against fatal diseasesIrish ExaminerDespite a series of global health milestones in 2017, Melvin Sanicas argues there is still much work that can be done across the world. Thanks to coordinated global efforts, most people in Latin America and the Caribbean are now immune to the mosquito …and more »
Zika virus is on the rise – Hawaii Army Weekly
Hawaii Army WeeklyZika virus is on the riseHawaii Army WeeklyZika is a virus spread mainly by the bite of a mosquito species known as Aedes. Such mosquitoes also spread the viruses of dengue and chikungunya, as well, and they tend to bite both during the day and the night. Mosquitoes that spread this virus lay …Global Zika Virus Market Analysis 2018 Intrexon, Inovio Pharmaceuticals and GeneOne Life Sciences and NewLink …Real Fact 24all 2 news articles »
¿Cómo saber si tienes dengue, zika o chikungunya y qué hacer? – América Televisión
América Televisión¿Cómo saber si tienes dengue, zika o chikungunya y qué hacer?América TelevisiónCon la llegada de las lluvias se incrementan las posibilidades de padecer enfermedades virales como el zika, dengue y chikungunya, ya que el mosquito trasmisor se reproduce se reproduce en condiciones de humedad, aguas estancadas y a temperaturas …El Sedes alista encuesta entomológica tras reporte de casos de zikaEL DEBERUrge abatir dengue y zikaDiario El Mundo de CórdobaVIDEO | 'La cumbia del zika', pegajosa canción que enseña a prevenir la enfermedadexitosanoticias (Comunicado de prensa)Filo News (Comunicado de prensa) -Perspectiva Sur -Jujuy al día (Comunicado de prensa)all 17 news articles »

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