Lack of birth-defects register a threat to health – Irish Examiner01/17/2018Irish ExaminerLack of birth-defects register a threat to healthIrish ExaminerThere are three active regional registers in the Republic — the greater Dublin region, Cork/Kerry, and the South-East — which cover 60% of all births. Efforts to set up registers in […]
Daily Archives: January 17, 2018
Your car won't be a legend with a name like Trumpchi – Independent Online01/17/2018Independent OnlineYour car won't be a legend with a name like TrumpchiIndependent OnlineThe company also plans to expand into Europe after trying to woo American consumers. The cultural dissonance with its chosen brand name is something with […]
Your car won't be a legend with a name like ...
Zika vírus pode combater tumor cerebral01/16/2018EXAME.comZika vírus pode combater tumor cerebralEXAME.comO vírus Zika, temido por causar microcefalia em bebês cujas mães foram infectadas durante a gestação por atacar as células que darão origem ao córtex cerebral do feto, pode ser uma alternativa para o tratamento do glioblastoma – o tipo […]
Zika vírus pode combater tumor cerebral
Causes of birth defects could go undetected – The Times01/17/2018Causes of birth defects could go undetectedThe TimesIna Kelly, a specialist in public health medicine at the Midland Regional Hospital in Tullamore and chairwoman of the group, said that efforts to set up registers in the northeast and midlands had not […]