Don't let your Zika guard down – Youngstown Vindicator07/04/2017Rocky Mount TelegramDon't let your Zika guard downYoungstown VindicatorThe Zika virus may not seem as big a threat as last summer, but don't let your guard down – especially if you're pregnant or trying to be. Though cases of the birth defect-causing […]
Daily Archives: July 4, 2017
Officials report Pennsylvania's first case of Zika found by testing donated blood – LancasterOnline07/03/2017LancasterOnlineOfficials report Pennsylvania's first case of Zika found by testing donated bloodLancasterOnlinePennsylvania health officials have reported the state's first case of Zika found by testing donated blood. The virus is linked to serious birth defects, and for […]
Officials report Pennsylvania's first case of Zika found by testing ...
Reality check: Breastfeeding and Zika loopholes – ABC2707/04/2017ABC27Reality check: Breastfeeding and Zika loopholesABC27Federal laws protect me if I need to pump breast milk at work. Zika is an urgent matter, so I won't have an issue getting tested if I show symptoms. These are assumptions we make about health, but […]