Fighting Zika: DNA vaccines may offer new weapon against virus – Genetic Literacy Project03/13/2017Genetic Literacy ProjectFighting Zika: DNA vaccines may offer new weapon against virusGenetic Literacy Project[In August 2016], scientists injected a [DNA] vaccine for Zika virus into a human being…Unlike some traditional methods, DNA vaccines don't use dead or […]
Daily Archives: March 13, 2017
Pre-existing immunity to dengue virus shapes Zika-specific T cell response – EurekAlert (press release)03/13/2017EurekAlert (press release)Pre-existing immunity to dengue virus shapes Zika-specific T cell responseEurekAlert (press release)LA JOLLA, CA — Although Zika and dengue are considered different virus "species," they are so closely related that the immune system treats Zika […]
Pre-existing immunity to dengue virus shapes Zika-specific T cell response ...
Common Bacteria May Control Disease-Carrying Insects – Voice of America03/12/2017Voice of AmericaCommon Bacteria May Control Disease-Carrying InsectsVoice of AmericaThey say the discovery could make it possible to control the mosquito that spreads two viral diseases: Zika virus and dengue. The bacteria is called Wolbachia. It can infect up to 70 […]