Zika? It hasn't gone away, but some travelers are shrugging – Akron Beacon Journal
Akron Beacon JournalZika? It hasn't gone away, but some travelers are shruggingAkron Beacon JournalZika hasn't gone away, but as the mosquito-borne virus has faded from the headlines, travelers seem less concerned about it than they were last year. “We had a big downturn in honeymoon business last year,” said Hans Pfister, who owns the Lapa Rios …Genomics Reveal Surprises About Florida Zika OutbreakMedscapeZika diagnosed in Walton County visitorThe News Heraldall 3 news articles »
Akron Beacon JournalZika? It hasn't gone away, but some travelers are shruggingAkron Beacon JournalZika hasn't gone away, but as the mosquito-borne virus has faded from the headlines, travelers seem less concerned about it than they were last year. “We had a big downturn in honeymoon business last year,” said Hans Pfister, who owns the Lapa Rios …Genomics Reveal Surprises About Florida Zika OutbreakMedscapeZika diagnosed in Walton County visitorThe News Heraldall 3 news articles »
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