Gene Drives to Fight Disease – GenomeWeb
Gene Drives to Fight DiseaseGenomeWebImperial College London's Andrew Hammond and his colleagues are using the gene-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9 to integrate the gene drive into mosquito embryos, NPR adds. … "I think it's a worthwhile goal to investigate this technology," he adds.
Gene Drives to Fight DiseaseGenomeWebImperial College London's Andrew Hammond and his colleagues are using the gene-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9 to integrate the gene drive into mosquito embryos, NPR adds. … "I think it's a worthwhile goal to investigate this technology," he adds.
Prerna Gupta – CNNMoney
CNNMoneyPrerna GuptaCNNMoneyOxitec, a company that is using advanced techniques in synthetic biology to eradicate mosquito borne diseases. It's the most promising answer to Zika, Dengue and Malaria. There has been some fear-mongering that Oxitec is actually responsible for Zika …and more »
CNNMoneyPrerna GuptaCNNMoneyOxitec, a company that is using advanced techniques in synthetic biology to eradicate mosquito borne diseases. It's the most promising answer to Zika, Dengue and Malaria. There has been some fear-mongering that Oxitec is actually responsible for Zika …and more »
Zika Mosquito Holly Springs Natural Mosquito Control Morrisville Mosquito Raleigh