Mosquitoes Could Infect Humans with Zika and Other Viruses Simultaneously – PCT Magazine11/16/2016PCT MagazineMosquitoes Could Infect Humans with Zika and Other Viruses SimultaneouslyPCT MagazineATLANTA — Mosquitoes are capable of carrying Zika and chikungunya viruses simultaneously and can secrete enough in their saliva to potentially infect humans with both viruses in […]
Daily Archives: December 15, 2016
THS grad works on Zika vaccine – The Trinity Journal12/15/2016The Trinity JournalTHS grad works on Zika vaccineThe Trinity JournalStony Brook University and Codagenix researchers in the laboratory of Dr. Eckard Wimmer (center, in back). Research scientist Brandon Stauft holds a Zika virus assay from the laboratory. Next to Dr. Wimmer […]
THS grad works on Zika vaccine – The Trinity Journal
TyraTech puts nature to work controlling insect pests – WRAL Tech Wire12/15/2016TyraTech puts nature to work controlling insect pestsWRAL Tech WireTyraTech has developed other products including a DEET-free mosquito and tick repellent, marketed as Guardian, that it says has proven to be more effective than 15 percent solutions of DEET. […]
TyraTech puts nature to work controlling insect pests – WRAL ...
BCMS robotics team earns state berth12/14/2016Newsbf.comBCMS robotics team earns state berthNewsbf.comBCMS robotics, associated with the global First Lego League (FLL), was established to promote STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) through hands on learning. The program is designed to help students develop … "Based on the buzz of the … […]
BCMS robotics team earns state berth
CDC Issues Travel Warning For Brownsville, Texas After Five Local Zika Cases Emerge – Huffington Post12/15/2016Huffington PostCDC Issues Travel Warning For Brownsville, Texas After Five Local Zika Cases EmergeHuffington PostThe CDC said there was currently no evidence of widespread transmission of Zika, but temperatures are still warm enough in the […]